Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Keeping Warm

There's no getting around it: If your house is in a cold climate, Charlottesville fits that description, keeping it warm in winter is expensive.

Sure, we can turn down the thermostat and wear bulky sweaters indoors to cut costs. But if you've got an unfinished attic, you better insulate it. 

Proper insulation is one of the simplest ways to keep a lid on your heating bill this season. The idea; keep the heat in your home, not escaping through the attic opening.

A few weeks ago, while previewing a home with a client - I pulled down the attic stairs, looked up and saw something I had never seen, an insulated cover. It was exciting...
Helen didn't share my enthusiasm, but she will. She is buying this home and will be saving on heating and cooling her house.

Helen's new house is in Charlottesville. If you want to see homes on the market in Charlottesville,VA and priced between $200,000 and $400,000. Yep, some have attics.
Stay warm my friends. Remember, bring your pets in. 

My best,

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